
a new song 4 u!!

Here is a new song I wrote. It's called "Simple Girl."
Do you ever feel that the older you get, the more years you have behind you, the more complex and complicated your life becomes? I've been feeling that a lot recently. This song was written after quite a lot of reflecting back on my past few years, and recognising a huge yearning in myself to find the younger, simpler, less complicated me.
Because this song is all about that need for simplicity I made sure the song itself was quite simple, both the melody and instrumentation. I rehearsed this the other day with my younger brother Pete, (who happens to be married to the very cute Butter and Buntings blogger, Taz) and we thought we'd film it. So the recording is fairly rough, but we wanted to share it with you anyway. And bonus, you get to see Taz's cute lounge room!
Sorry I haven't been blogging much recently about craft! To be honest I haven't been crafting much this past month or so. I often find that when I get really focussed on one area of my life, other parts of it tend to get a bit neglected! For example, when I'm working lots of nights a s a musician, I get tired and a bit less engaged as a mum. But I also know that I'm a  horrible and resentful parent when I'm not making music or creating at all! Finding the balance between everything is hard. I'm sure I'm not the only one, I think a lot of artists feel this way. Balancing work, creativity, parenting, wifing (is that a word!?) relaxing, and being a good friend is something I'm still trying to figure out! However, I have been finding lots of great fabric in Op Shops, so I'm hoping to do a bit of sewing soon!
If you enjoyed this song feel free to visit my music website to hear and watch some other stuff!
Hope you have lovely week!
PS I had trouble Uploading this clip from YouTube, so used a blogger thingy, not sure how good it is. To watch the YouTube Clip instead click on this link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBx7XtWB19A


  1. So so lovely Mezz! Gave me goosebumps! And glad you could use my lounge, sorry about the washing! I guess thats as homemade as you csn get!

  2. thanks taz, im glad u liked it...oh and thnx for sharing it on twitter!ur lounge room is lively, thr washing just adds charm xx

  3. It's a great song, thank you! Yes I too sometimes have wanted to run back, when things seemed simple, thing is we never knew that did we, we never knew how complex things could be! So my take on life now is enjoy the moments I can and there are lots but sometimes they get a little hidden!
    Mr Bea is like you, he's a musician in his core, he needs to write his music but working full time means it has to be done in his spare time, then he's torn between spending time with the girls and myself! Striking a balance isn't always the easiest is it! :) x

    1. hi afa...yes being a grown up is quite ( challenge isnt it!and the balance thing.....goodness im terrible at it! love mezz x

  4. Beautiful thanks for sharing it... the whole balance thing is very tricky for all of us. xxx

    1. hi bron thanks for listening! i tried to leave a comment on ur blog today but it didnt let me.love that dress u made for urself! x

  5. Glad to hear another song from your heart.You have so much life experience for one so young......so don't be too hard on yourself, as you are doing a great job at living the life you have been given. You have much wisdom and I for one have learned lots from you. Many people much older than you are still trying to find balance in their lives! You make people happy with what you give of yourself in many ways. Thankyou xo

  6. Wow Mez, what a beautiful song!! I so can relate. Life is so hard and the older we get the more we sometimes feel that we want to step back in time and grip on to the old us and the old life where things were simple and straight forward. Somehow it is so hard to live in the present and to be happy and satisfied with every moment in life even when these moments are very unhappy and uncomforatble. I have found some amazing comfort in music through these times and it is songs like yours that create these moments of comfort, thanks for creating such beauty. Pure GENIUS!! I think finding balance in life is hard for us all and when some things gets attention others have to give, but throughout our journey we learn to give attention to those things that matters the most at that particular time in our lives. Trust your judgement and be happy with it, you are doing it righ!! xoxo

  7. What a great song, gave me goosebumps, you can't beat acoustic music! I completely relate to the struggle to balance everything, and I've had to put a few things on the backburner lately, which is frustrating, but I guess everything has it's season x

  8. Oh I love this song, I really do! Definitely goosebumps, and I can relate to it.

    The funny thing is, although it's made the practicalities of life *way* more complex, in some ways I've found having children has simplified my life - brought it back to that simple "only" truth you mention in the song... love.

    I know exactly what you mean about balance, however - that question just gets more and more difficult as I get older and bring new loves and people into my life (I'm 34 btw).

  9. oh, lovey people!!

    you have no idea what all these kind words about my song mean to me!

    thankyou for being so supportive!!!!!

    im giving you all a massive internet group hug right now...and not in a creepy way

    mezz x

  10. Mezz I finally sat down at the lappy to listen to this.... loveitloveitloveit!! What a beautiful song!! Love the electric in there too Mr Carr!! Nice honest little clip too. Beautiful. Love you xx
